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People and Planet First – Partner

The People and Planet First verification uses the Good Market commons shared infrastructure to keep costs low and maximize benefits to applicants. If you need technical support at any point, you can send a help chat message or email hello@goodmarket.global.

Free Online Profile

The verification is implemented through a global network of network partners. If you are a network partner, the first step is to submit the application form to create a free online public profile for your organization. This account will enable you to:


  • Be included in the People and Planet First Partner Directory
  • Have a custom invite link to share with your network
  • Access and review verification forms for your enterprises
  • Create a network page for your members 
You can see other networks on the site here. Networks are able to create white label directories and marketplaces, collect member information through custom forms, manage verification systems, and more. Learn more here.

Click the logo below to use the People and Planet First invite link and go to the apply page.

Sign Up

Click the New Application button, sign up, and verify your email address. If you need additional signup or login help, you can find more details here. You can also send a help chat message, or email hello@goodmarket.global for support.

NOTE: The software team did a recent release to improve the sign up confirmation page. The video will be updated soon.

Click New Application and sign up to apply

Submit Application

The Organization page of the application form tends to take the longest and is the only page with required questions. The rest of the form is mostly Yes / No and multiple choice questions and tends to go quickly. The key thing is to use the application form to share your enterprise’s purpose and story, and if a question doesn’t apply, don’t worry about selecting No. Every enterprise is different. It is normal to have No answers.


Continue through the Environment, Customers, Workers, Suppliers, and Community sections of the form. On the final Additional Info page, click the Submit button. You will see the confirmation page and receive an email.


If you need additional application help, you can find more details here. You can also send a help chat message, or email hello@goodmarket.global for support.

Click the Submit button on the final page

Custom Invite Link

Once your application is approved, you will have access to an enterprise account page and a custom invite link for your network members that takes them to the Apply page. The link can be shared through chat, email, or social media. 


Go to www.goodmarket.global, click Account in the bottom menu, open your enterprise account page, and open the Invites section to customize your invite text and copy the invite link. The invite text can be written in any language.


If a contact signs up using your invite link, you will receive an email notification and 1 point. If they apply and become approved, you will receive an additional 10 points.

View Verification Status

When your network members apply, the People and Planet First verification team will connect them to your account. To see the enterprises connected to your account, log in and switch to your enterprise account in the top right corner. Open the menu in the top left corner and click the People and Planet First link to open a filtered view of the People and Planet First Network Manager page that only shows your enterprises. You can see the verification status, start date, and end date for each enterprise connected to your account.

NOTE: The software team did a recent release to improve the partner view of the network manager and the overview page. The video will be updated soon.

Review Verification Forms

If you are a People and Planet First revenue-share partner, you can review verification forms from the same Network manager page. The People and Planet First verification team will contact you when a new form is available for review. Click the enterprise name to open their overview page. The most recent form will be at the top. 


Review the form based on the training provided by the verification team, and add your decision and comments. Select green if the enterprise meets the 5 standards and is eligible for verification. Select yellow if more information is needed. Select red if the enterprise does not meet the standards, and is not eligible for verification yet. When you click Submit, the verification team will receive an email notification.

NOTE: The software team did a recent release to improve the partner view of the network manager and the overview page. The video will be updated soon.

Network Page

If you have at least one approved enterprise with a profile on the digital commons, you are eligible for a network page. Your network page is not limited to People and Planet First verified enterprises. Visit the Network help page to learn more about opportunities for networks. 
