Welcome to Good Market Info!
Click the logo to go to the directory & marketplace
Welcome to Good Market Info! Click the logo to go to the directory and marketplace
Good Market Info > Get Involved
Good Market was started to help speed up the transition to a new economy that is good for people and good for the planet. The goal is to make the movement more visible and make it easier for everyone to find, connect, and exchange with each other. Here are some ways to get involved. ❤️
The new economy movement is emerging because millions of us are choosing to prioritize people and planet in our daily lives and in our work.
Use the community platform to find changemakers, enterprises, and networks in your local area and around the world.
If you’re part of an initiative that prioritizes people and the planet, apply and become Good Market Approved. Here are reasons that other community members said they applied:
It’s free to be Good Market Approved and always will be. Approved enterprises have a public profile page and a certificate. They are able to add basic listings to the community marketplace, use the Good Market Approved logo, and access services from networks that use this shared resource.
Good Market is a shared resource developed by and for the people who use it. Enterprises and individuals that contribute resources or time are recognized as Cocreators and are able to participate in decision making and governance.
By becoming a Cocreator, you accelerate the development of new services and enable the platform to remain self-sustaining, community-governed, and free for low-income initiatives from marginalized communities.
The platform was designed to support social networks. This includes communities of place that focus on a local geographical area and communities of practice that come together around a common purpose or a shared structure, service, or practical challenge.
If you are already part of a network, you can use the Good Market platform to amplify your work and collaborate with others. If you’re not part of a community yet, you can use it to find and connect with existing networks, or join together with others and build your own. 😊