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Good Market Info > About > The Movement
We humans have created an economic story that is not sustainable.
Our current social norms and rules prioritize extraction, profit maximization, accumulation of money, and continuous growth over human wellbeing and the survival of living systems on our planet.
The scale of the problem and the barriers to change can feel overwhelming.
But the transition to a new economic system has already started.
There are millions of enterprises and individuals voluntarily choosing to operate according to a new story and new rules.
We are choosing to prioritize people and planet over profit maximization.
Regenerative economy, circular economy, doughnut economics, economy for the common good, solidarity economy, inclusive economy, wellbeing economy, mindful economics, purpose economy, B economy, sustainable economy, post-growth economy…
Networks and communities within the movement may use different language, but common themes are emerging.
Human Nature
Humans are inherently selfish, economically rational, and independent.
Money has inherent value and should be accumulated. It is created from debt with interest and requires continuous growth for repayment.
Purpose of Enterprise
Maximize short-term profits, accumulate financial capital, and continuously grow.
Purpose of Government
Enforce contracts, underwrite debt, and provide enough redistribution, security, and infrastructure to enable the ongoing extraction and accumulation of capital.
People and Planet
Externalities. First maximize profits. Then redistribute surplus through philanthropy or taxes to address negative consequences.
Happens through hierarchy and planning.
Experts who are “developed” develop and “empower” others. We wait for them to solve problems.
Measuring Success
Society: GDP and growth
Enterprise: profits and growth
Human Nature
Humans are inherently social, predictably irrational, and interdependent.
Money is an evolving social construct and a useful medium of exchange when it is circulated. If money is created from debt without interest, growth is not required.
Purpose of Enterprise
Create value and enable humans and all life to thrive within planetary boundaries.
Purpose of Government
Create rules that reflect our values and our vision for the future. Ensure the rules we agree on are applied fairly and consistently to all.
People and Planet
Embedded. All choices prioritize people and planet. Use systems thinking and innovative design to be regenerative and distributive from the start.
Happens through relationships and validated learning.
Everyone is a changemaker. We speed up the transition through creativity and collective action.
Measuring Success
Society: social and environmental metrics
Enterprise: impact, sustainability, triple bottom line
How do we transition to the new story?
Choose. Communicate. Collaborate.
The new economy movement is emerging because millions of us are choosing to prioritize people and planet in our daily lives and in our work. This is a way that everyone can get involved.
Communicating about practical, personal action can inspire others and encourage them to make a transition. It raises the bar. It makes us feel less alone and overwhelmed. It mainstreams the new economic story.
This transition is too big for any one individual, organization, or network. Collaboration is how we go from voluntary choices at a personal and organizational level to changing the story and rules at a system level.
There are real challenges ahead…
Corporate Incentives
Political Incentives
Debt-Based Monetary Systems
But history shows us that changing conditions, new stories, and collective action can lead to tipping points and rapid systemic change.
According to decades of research on social movements and the spread of innovation, when 10-25% of people in a community start making choices according to a new story, it triggers rapid change in social norms and system level rules.
To speed things up, we need to increase the visibility of our innovators and early adopters and make it easier (and more fun!) for the early majority to get involved.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
– Buckminster Fuller
Are you part of the new story?
Learn more about the marketplace commons and get involved.